Monday, September 5, 2011

Sunday Drive

Chris had the day off on Sunday, so we decided to go on a little drive in the mountains.  Getting out of the hustle and bustle of town does wonders for the soul.  We drove, we walked around a little, and I took a ton of pictures.  I love being out in nature.

sunday drive 047

sunday drive 008 sunday drive 012

sunday drive 014  sunday drive 021

sunday drive 016 

sunday drive 018

Thimbleberries… Yummy.

Check out this bee.  I spent a few minutes trying to get a good shot of him.  I wish he wouldn’t have been hanging out on knapweed.

sunday drive 036

sunday drive 029  sunday drive 024

sunday drive 026

sunday drive 052  sunday drive 057

sunday drive 061  sunday drive 055

sunday drive 064  sunday drive 063  sunday drive 065

sunday drive 073

sunday drive 075  sunday drive 077  sunday drive 076

We decided to stop by the river to look for fish.  The water was so clear, we could see several cutthroat trout swimming in a deep pool.

sunday drive 086

sunday drive 085

sunday drive 083 

sunday drive 081

The only creepy part of the drive was this random scarecrow tied to a tree in the middle of the woods.

sunday drive 087

What the hell is this guy doing way out here?


Kerry said...

Hahaha too funny, like 'someone' was watching you!!
Your wilderness is beautiful, and so different to our bushland over here. Great pics!

Johna said...

That scarecrow was there to make you ask questions and remind you that no matter where in Idaho you go, people have already been there :)