Are you tired of seeing baby pictures of Tanner yet? Well then, stop reading this blog. Haha. Actually, I thought that today I would treat you to some old pictures of me when I was a baby. Finding these pictures was actually one of my favorite parts of my little Montana trip.
These pictures were taken during a trip that my mom took with Dawn and I back east to visit my Aunt Emilene and my cousins Becky and Renee. I have to say… we were some pretty cute little buggers.
Here I am. Wide eyed and curious about the world.
Pictured left to right: Becky, Dawn, Karen (me), and Renee
Ummmm… nice wallpaper. And Dawn, please don’t fall off that chair. Or that table for that matter.
Sleepy baby
Here we are getting some culture at a young age. Oh yeah, that’s my mom. Doesn’t she look like a young Julie Andrews?

I don’t know what this is. A train maybe?
After seeing all of these baby pictures of myself, I couldn’t help but see the resemblance between me and Tanner.
See what I mean?