Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Tanner’s first day of school

Last Wednesday was a big day for Tanner.  It was his first day of school.  Let me tell you, if was one of the hardest days ever for me.  It made me sad to think about someone else watching him all day.  I had over two months of getting to be with him 24/7, and it was really hard to think about missing even one minute.  I do realize how lucky I am though.  I’m a preschool teacher in the same building, so I was able to check on him a ton.  Even with checking on him though, it was still really hard.  I really don’t know if I would’ve been able to leave him there and actually go away all day.  You mothers who have to do that are stronger women than I am. 

I was pretty proud of myself.  I only cried once, and it was before I actually had to leave him.  Thinking about leaving him in that room without me was harder for me than actually doing it.  Tanner, of course, did great.  Give him a bottle and a place to sleep and he’s a happy little man.


Here he is in his first day of school outfit.  He’s all packed up and ready to go.

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This is the room where he spends his day.

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He had no trouble sleeping.  In fact, he slept most of the day.



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I love that the kids get to do some art projects… even the infants.  It will be fun to get little pictures and paintings.  I love these little footprint ducks.

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Tanner was all about relaxing in the swings. 


I got to sneak back in the room and feed him his first meal at school.


Getting his diaper changed for the first time was no big thing.


Tanner had a great time with two of the other staff kids.  He loves little Noah and Kyler.

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But his favorite thing in the room would have to be the ceiling fan.  You should see the big, wide mouthed smiles he gives that thing.


This is his teacher, Miss Christina.  Thanks for taking such good care of him Christina.  It makes it so much easier knowing he’s in good hands.


Johna said... one else posting about how cute this baby is or how awesome the day care is? I mean exposing them to art at 2 months? Everyone's kid should go here...just for fun!

Unknown said...

Hi, I'm Shar!
Your newest follower from the blog hop!
Aw! All of the little ones look so cute together!
I agree with Johna, that daycare looks pretty awesome! Luckily, you work in the same building; that's a great perk. :)

xoxo ♥ -Shar